Home FAQs
Delay to carry out a trademark search ?

- 3 working days

Searched data base ?
Kind of search ?
Adopted Classification ?
Specific goods or services allowed
Multi-class applications accepted ?
Co-owned trademark allowed ?
Trademarks subject to rejection ?
Priority claim under Paris Convention ?
Delay to submit late filing documents ?
Date of Renewal ?
Use requirement ?
Correction of mistakes in the applications ?
License agreement ?

- Optional

? Assignment, Merger and Change of name
Delay to file oppositions ?

- 2 months as from publication date of the contested application

Grounds of opposition ?
Searched Data base ?

- National granted patent

Kind of search ?
Validity of a patent ?
Deadline to enter a national phase application ?
Pharmaceutical products patentable ?
Non-exclusive Compulsory License ?
Ex-officio license ?
Grant of the application ?
Amendments to the specification / corrections ?
Annuities ?
Assignment, Merger and Change of name ? / address, License

- Compulsory under risk of non enforceability.

Time frame to carry out a search

- One week time

Searched Data base
Kind of search ?
Validity of a Design / Model
Late renewal
Novelty required
Designs that are liable to rejection
Multi Design applications
Co-owned Design/Model
Priority claim under Paris Convention
Co-owned Design/Model
Time frame to submit late filing documents
Correction of typing errors
Assignment, Merger and Change of name ? / address, License

- Compulsory under risk of non enforceability.