- 3 working days
- National and international designating Morocco
- Availability search (identical and similar) with opinion
- 10th edition of Nice classification
- No limits. Class Heading are accepted.
- Yes
- Yes.
- Trademarks that contrary to public order or morality
- Yes, within the delay of six months.
- 3 months as from filing date and can be extended for further 2 additional months (except for the priority document).
- Within the 6 months preceding expiry date. A grace period of 6 months is allowed.
- Use is not necessary for filing or renewal of a trademark.
- Should be made within 3 months as from filing date
- Optional
- Compulsory under risk of lack of enforceability.
- 2 months as from publication date of the contested application
- An earlier trademark application or registration
- A well-known trademark
- A prior protected Geographical Indication or Appellation of origin.
- National granted patent
- Search by Patentees, subjects of the invention and number of priorities
- 20 Years as from filing date.
- Exceptionally, the validity period of pharmaceutical patents can be extended for a term of 30 extra months, under specific provisions
- 31 months as from priority date.
- Yes
- Possible, under specific conditions
- Possible, if the patented product is not commercialized in a quantity sufficient to the Moroccan market or in case of the price of the product is abusively high
- Patents are granted after 18 months as from filing date, or priority date, if claimed.
- National phase applications are granted approximately within 6 months as from national filing date
- Amendments and corrections are tolerated before grant of the application
- The 2nd annuity is paid with the application. Future annuities are paid on each anniversary date (annually).
- Compulsory under risk of non enforceability.
- One week time
- National Designs/Models
- Search by Applicants, title of the Design / model
- 5 Years as from filing date.
- For two consecutive periods of 5 years each. The renewal should be made during the 6 months prior to the expiry date
- A grace period of 6 months is allowed for late renewal with fine
- Yes, but no examination is carried out..
- Those that are contrary to morality and public order
- Possible, one application can include up to 50 design/model of the same object
- A Design / Model can be filed in the name of more than one applicant
Yes, within the 6 months following the initial application. A Priority document is required
- A Design / Model can be filed in the name of more than one applicant
- Three months as from filing date.
- Possible within three months as from filing date
- A design / Model application in granted registration upon filing.
- Compulsory under risk of non enforceability.